Why Join the Nova Scotia Potters Guild?


Members are eligible to participate in our group shows, attend our workshops at a discount, and add to our quarterly supply orders. The guild works to promote your artwork by creating a custom profile page for each member, sharing your events on our social media pages, and our group email, as well as featuring all upcoming shows and events on our website. We help potters stay informed by sending out calls for entry, notification of upcoming group exhibitions, providing an email network for buying and selling, a resource page where you can share your classes, a gallery page where you can search for galleries and shop, and advance access to the guild newsletter! Members are also invited to free guild events, meet and greets with other potters, and our annual AGM where you can network to share ideas and resources! 


Joining the guild is easy!

You can download the form and email it to membership.nspg@gmail.com. Payment instructions for electronic payment and cheque or money order are on the form.